Monday 18 August 2008

Frack me! Part Le Deux

Pity poor Canadian actor/Vanhoover native Alessandro Juliani, out for a morning stroll with his girlfriend, coffee in hand, ready to peruse the Trout Lake Farmer's Market in peace, when whom should accost him?

"You see that guy with the curly hair," Dan sez as I'm haggling for the last two pieces of The Iron Maiden's albacore tuna, "that's the dude who plays Felix Gaeta on Battlestar Galactica."

And she's off!

Mikala: Hello, I'm so sorry to bother you, but I just want to say (whispers) we're massive Battlestar fans.
Alessandro: (Beaming) Awesome! (Puts up a hand to high-five me, which I do).
M: Yeah, sorry about your X (plot spoiler not revealed for those who haven't caught up).
A: (Laughs)
M: You guys aren't still filming now are you?
A: Nope, it's over now. We're done for good.
M: Yeah, I know. Though I am waiting for Caprica, the new show. I actually met Michael Trucco here at George in Yaletown a year ago and managed to really embarrass myself by going all Comic-Con on him and telling him I'd be quite depressed when it all finished. Felt like SUCH a nerd.
A: Nawww, you guys aren't wearing costumes, you're not nerds! But be prepared to be depressed...
M: Yeah, I left my Spock ears at home and I'm not wearing my Klingon forehead pasty but anyway...although to redeem my geekiness I will say that..which episode was it, Dan?
Dan: "Season 3, Episode 4"
M: Yeah, that one. We were literally jumping off the sofa for that episode...oh shit, we really are nerds aren't we...I should really go...
A: (Laughs)
M: Anyway, probably best if we leave you to your market shop. Nice to meet you!

Dan to Mikala: "Battlestar guy said we weren't nerds, hurrah!"

And I thought that the most exciting thing at Trout Lake on a Saturday were the tomatoes...



Anonymous said...

I'm only a bit hugely jealous.

Morgan Richter said...

Awesome story. Sounds like a fun random encounter. You two seem like a hoot. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Hi Morgan, Neil, thanks for the comments! Yeah, I love Vancouver for these random moments. That now makes for two BSG actors I've bumped into! (And one from the L Word, haha).

Fluffy John said...

Well, while you guys have been doing all sorts of cool stuff outdoors, I've been playing one of the finest games on the Wii.


Anonymous said...

I too am only a bit hugely jealous.

Also, I note that after the 4 seasons we've seen so far, to have the guy say at this point, "Prepare to be depressed"?? How much bleaker can it possibly get? I hope Gaeta makes it to the end of the series, but I'm beginning to suspect that he doesn't.

Anyway, this was really cool to read. AJ sounds like a really nice guy. It's good to hear that one of my favorite characters is just as nice in real life!

Unknown said...

Hey Millari,
Yeah, I'm with you on the total bleakness of BSG recently, but I'd rather it be bleak than sunshiney I suppose. Still, I think AJ was referring to me telling him I'd blathered to Michael Trucco a year ago when I totally geeked out on him. In our chat, he (*sigh* gorgeous Sam Anders!) asked whether I was aware that S4 was gonna be their last. Which, of course, I did, duh. (I've linked that retarded blog in the AJ one). So I guess AJ was just reiterating what I'd said - that'd I'd be depressed without any BSG in my life after S4 ha ha! Anyway, AJ is a lovely chap and totally cool and kudos to his friend/gf who put up with me politely accosting him at 9am, and then subsequently introducing him to my husband and best mate from England. Anyway, nice to see all comments, so keep 'em coming!