Monday 15 December 2008

Cool Runnings and 'Ting

It's not often you're waiting at the airport to pick up your mum when you hear something like this coming over the tannoy: "Would everyone joining the Jamaican Bob Sled Team event, please make their way over to carousel number 6."

So you go over, curious, 'cos really, wtf? The Jamaican Bob Sled Team? They're like stars, mon! They had a film made about them! It's not like it's some lame Khazakstanian Women's Curling team (no offense), but JAMAICANS. WHO ARE BOBSLEDDERS. Awesome much?

So being a consummate professional/snoop, I got chatting with the welcoming committee - a mostly Pembertonian crowd, some Jamaican fans and a few airport staff waiving dem flags. Pemberton is close to Whistler, where the boys are, apparently, training for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Keeeewl.
Wearing my offical BC jacket, we started talking tourism, natch. I met with a consultant for Pemberton's economic development and the owners of the town's Copper Dome Lodge, Ian and Michelle Porter. They're hosting the team during their pre-training and were pretty excited about their arrival - that and the fact I told them I would update with this crucial bit of trivia, of course. ;-) They even invited my team up to stay or use their lodge for our meetings when we got round to doing our Pemberton visit as part of the community content project I'm spearheading for Nice folks. I hope they wave flags when we arrive.

Anyway.... I dispatched Dan to fetch madda (hmmmm, Mother v. Athletic Jamaican Guys Who Wear Lycra. Whom to greet first? Decisions!) while I hung around. Shameful, I know. But in the end, we collected mum, all her bags, and headed back to carousel 6. We had made it back in time for the arrival of the fittest.


1 comment:

Fluffy John said...

Do you know if they all sit in a line on the plane, leaning into the turns?

You'd be a bit annoyed if you were waiting at Carousel 6 and found that your luggage had been crushed by a 4-man sled!
