Wednesday 3 September 2008

Rockin' and Writin'

Done did two new (though very belated) album reviews on this week, check 'em out. There's also a second Hot Chip interview thingie up, too, which I threw up about a month or so ago. Even got me an "Editor's Pick", w00t!

Anyway, articles are here:
Spiritualized - Songs in A&E
Primal Scream - Beautiful Future

Goin' to see Mogwai and (hee hee) F*ck Buttons on Saturday night - my free plus one to review the show means that never-heard-of-Mogwai-before-not-really-into-drone-rock husband will be attending the gig with me and mates Gregg and Anita. I'll be interested to see what he makes of it. And Sunday is tres exciting: TV on the Radio, wahoo! Excited for that one, fo' 'sho, and hoping to get some interview time with the band. Then next weekend is Spiritualized. Glad to have some gigs coming down the's been a slow summer.


Melissa said...


Gotta love cross country trekking bands. I'm picking up my Mogwai ticket today and lookin' forward to seeing Spiritualized this weekend. Did you make it out to the Andrew Bird/New Pornographers thing at Stanley Park???

Unknown said...

Nope, no Andrew Birding for me. Too skint. And Mogwai and (fingers X'd) Spiritualized will be free, yahoo! I'm reviewing Mogwai should be fun. You saw 'em back in June didn't you? A bunch of us are going should be fabulous!

Melissa said...

Yup, I saw Mogwai on my birthday. A damn fine birthday present indeed. I love 'em, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dan finds it boring. They're way better on a Horseshoe-sized stage...I find that the bigger the stage, the less sonically mesmerizing they become.

Spiritualized were good. The first time I've ever seen them play in the sunshine. Unfortunately they didn't play Lay Back in the Sun, which would've been lovely and fitting. They're touring with two gospel singers, drummer, keyboard player (Tom, who played timpani in the days when they had the horn section), bass player, and Doggen on guitar. If you have a chance to say hello, tell Doggen and Jason I say Hi. Tom too, but I don't expect him to remember me. We didn't get a chance to chat with them yesterday, which was disappointing. The highlight of V Fest though was actually the Foo Fighters. I will finally admit to liking the Foo Fighters now. Dave Grohl is awesome. : )