Sunday 26 October 2008

Parade of Lost Souls 2008

Vancouver really is the shizzle when it comes to creative parades and neighbourhood celebrations. The Winter Solstice, the Zombie Walk, monthly cyclist demonstrations, and this, the amazing Parade of Lost Souls.

This parade, held each year around Halloween (this year, Oct 25) is held to celebrate All Hallows Eve, All Souls Day and Los Dios del Muerto. Conveniently, it's also a big-ass street(s) party, held in our neighbourhood. Hundreds of artists, performers and local house owners along the parade route, get together to put on some amazing stuff for the costumed hordes as they amble by. We saw witches on balconies, dancers in windows, guitarists on porches, films on walls and many drummers drumming.

This year's top awards goes to: (Dan's pick) The Mondo Spider, a giant, robot-spider car that moved and which was created two years ago by local engineering students who have shown it off at Burning Man. We only saw the end of it moving, so it's only stationary in the video and sadly, because of the black of night, it doesn't look as impressive. But clickee the linkee and see more UToob vids of the thing. It's absolutely wicked.

My fave? It's not in the video, alas, but it was the house with "Elvis and the Scavengers of Regret" - a totally Halloweeny decorated pad teeming with adult-sized raccoons and vermin, inviting us to write our regrets down on a piece of newspaper, which the raccoons would come rustling about for, gather up, crinkle up, and hop over to their bonfire and burn for you. Genius.

This was a truly amazing night, but don't take our words for it! Pumpkin Bill has a video for you:

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