Saturday 1 November 2008

Here Be Pirates

Happy Samhain!

Hope everyone had a fun Hallowe'en. Ours was pretty silly but super fun. My office totally got into the spirit, as it were. Half the staff were in costumes and a few of my colleagues went all out, creating their own version among their cubicles of Victoria's prized tourist attraction, Butchart Gardens, which they'd renamed Butcher Gardens and were dressed as dead staff.

The IT team set up video conferencing in our board room so the Vancouver and Victoria offices could compare outfits and Halloween potluck food, I ate far, far too many sweets and baked Squee-Nut Butter cookies, our Online team dressed as the work "Anti-Values" (we rewrote our Corporate values to be super sarky, made t-shirts out of them and sent them the values off to the whole company). Niiice!

Then we met Beth & Simon for dinner at Hapa Izakaya (Hapa Halloween everyone! Geddit?), where we applied our fake tattooes and gear and then headed down to Stanley Park for their Ghost Train - this year it was Pirate Themed, which of course that scurvy dog Dan was most tempted by. The 15-min long kiddie ride takes you through parts of the park decked out all swash-buckler like, and was actually a good laugh. It also helped that Simon had brought oodles of dollar-store Pirate goodies for us to borrow so we could look the p-yarrrrr-t. No, these are not pics from Dan's 30th birthday...

Following that, we took a really silly "Creepy Crawlies" night walk through the park by candlelight with the local ecology group, and met some rather odd creatures.....

This one taught us about how she flies through air and snuffles around for truffles. Or something. We also met a giant raccoon, a bat and a moth. (Oh and we saw some real Halloweeny raccoons scrounging for the organic popcorn on sale, too. The sly 'coons were perfectly disguised and had their own masks on.)
Tomorrow it's an All Saints Day (Night) party at Joy's where we really dress up proper (albeit a day late)! I do believe that Morticia and Gomez Addams may be making an appearance....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Butcher Gardens...

Yes and I've seen the photos. Of course the matter is being handed over to our lawyer for trademark violation.
